Time to Restart This

[Written by Sean directly]

Amazing how ten years flies by. 10 years ago I was writing about going to SXSW for the first time… now I’m going on behalf of Helios as CEO to pitch. A top 5 AI selection with the opportunity to win. This feels right that it is time to jump back into providing my now 10 extra years of expertise out there.

I’m as terrified as anyone on what I’ve seen from Bing’s AI but I do like to have it write for me while I provide the outline. Sort of like a ghostwriter or a junior analyst. In this sense, I’m less afraid and appreciate the help since after 10 more years of staring at a screen I know much more but my eyes are much worse :)

[Written by ChatGPT with Sean’s guidance]

SXSW (South by Southwest) has been a Mecca for technology enthusiasts and professionals for decades. The annual conference, held in Austin, Texas, brings together some of the brightest minds in the tech industry to showcase the latest innovations, trends, and advancements in the field.

As we look ahead to SXSW 2023, one of the most exciting and promising areas of technology that will undoubtedly be featured prominently is voice AI. Voice AI, or voice-enabled artificial intelligence, is the technology that powers virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. It allows users to interact with their devices using natural language and voice commands, making it a game-changer in the way we communicate with technology.

The potential for voice AI is vast and varied, and it is already transforming several industries, including healthcare, finance, and retail. In healthcare, voice AI is being used to improve patient outcomes by enabling doctors to spend more time with patients, reducing administrative workloads, and improving data accuracy. In finance, voice AI is being used to improve customer service by allowing users to perform transactions and obtain information using their voice, and in retail, voice AI is being used to create more personalized shopping experiences and improve customer engagement.

At SXSW 2023, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the voice AI space. One area of focus will be on the use of natural language processing (NLP), which allows virtual assistants to understand and interpret human language. This technology is already being used to create more advanced chatbots, but we can expect to see it being used in other areas as well, such as customer service and support.

Another area of focus will be on the integration of voice AI with other technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). This will allow for even more immersive and interactive experiences, from virtual shopping assistants to voice-activated AR gaming.

SXSW 2023 will also be an opportunity for companies and developers to showcase their latest voice AI applications and products. We can expect to see demos of new virtual assistants, voice-enabled devices, and even voice-controlled vehicles. With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), voice AI will become increasingly important in the way we interact with the world around us.

Finally, SXSW 2023 will be an opportunity for industry experts to discuss the ethical and societal implications of voice AI. As the technology becomes more ubiquitous, it is important to consider issues such as privacy, security, and bias. SXSW provides a platform for these discussions to take place and for stakeholders to work together to ensure that voice AI is used in a responsible and ethical manner.

In conclusion, SXSW 2023 will undoubtedly be a Mecca for tech enthusiasts and professionals, and voice AI will be at the forefront of the discussions and developments. From NLP and AR/VR integration to new applications and ethical considerations, there is much to be excited about in the world of voice AI. As the technology continues to evolve and become more advanced, it has the potential to transform the way we live, work, and interact with technology.